
Showing posts from March, 2018

Gram Stain

Hi everyone! My name is Claudia Millanes. On Monday, 3/19, I perform a Gram stain of Sonorensis. I wanted to see if it was Gram-positive (GP) or Gram-negative (GN). The difference between a Gram-positive and a Gram-Negative is the structure of the cell wall. A Gram-positive baccteria has no outer cell membrane, but it's found in Gram-negative bacteria. It was concluded that Sonorensis is indeed a Gram-positive bacteria. When looking under the microscope, you can see that the bacteria retained the crystal violent dye, which was actually one of dyes being used. This is due to the high amount of peptidoglycan in the bacteria's cell wall. However, when looking at the results, there are two different types of shapes, meaning that it was contamiated.